131 McLafferty Rd. Fenelton PA. 16034

Long's Auto Body Customer Survey

Thank you for taking the time to help Long's Auto Body Inc. better serve you.  By completing this survey you are helping us better find our strong points as well as our weaknesses.  Please fill out this form as completely as possible
(* indicates required fields)

Customer Name*:

How would you rate the quality of your repair?

Excellent Good Average Fair Poor

How would you rate the way you where treated by our shop?

Excellent Good Average Fair Poor

Was you vehicle ready when promised? Yes No

If no how late was it? Days.

If no where you kept informed Yes No

As a result of this visit, would you recommend our facility to family and friends? Yes No

What was the main reason you chose our facility?

If Other, please specify.



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© Long's Auto Body, Inc. 2008
131 McLafferty RD
Fenelton PA 16034